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6 signals your car gives out in case of an exhaust problem

Just like we need to keep every organ in our body in fine fettle for its smooth functioning, the same goes with our vehicle as well. There are many components that make a car and each one has a mighty role to play in its smooth functioning. Be it the engine, the tyres, the suspension, they all carry great significance. In fact, all these parts are inter-related with each other.

As we talk about car components, there’s another fragment of the vehicle which is equally responsible for providing us safe and comfortable drives. Here we’re talking about the exhaust of your car. The effective functioning of the engine depends a lot on the proper working of the exhaust. That’s because the exhaust repair Nuneaton drives away the toxic fumes from the engine, which helps your engine work to its optimum capacity.

How does the exhaust system work?

The exhaust of the car has three main components. It has a catalytic converter, a muffler and an exhaust pipe at the rear end. When the vehicle is in motion, it releases some poisonous fumes which make their way through catalytic convertor. The converter here burns them off and reduces their toxicity. Then the muffler pumps them enough to lower down the noise. The fumes are now thrown out of the vehicle through the exhaust pipe.

The proper functioning of the exhaust of your car is extremely important in relation to the emission standards set by the government. A vehicle running on a good exhaust helps in curbing the pollution to a large extent. But there are times when you might notice some problems in your vehicle. They may indicate a faulty functioning of the exhaust system. Let’s talk about them here.

Signals given by the car

1. Loud noise while accelerating

When you notice some strange or rattling noise coming from your vehicle, then this is an indication of the malfunctioning of the exhaust system. Like there can be some issue with the muffler or a leak in any of the pipes.

2. Vibrations while driving

If you feel your car is vibrating, this can be also due to an exhaust problem. Only an expert can tell you this.

3. Strange odour coming from the engine

If you smell anything burning in the car, it may be due to a faulty catalytic converter or some other leak in the exhaust. Sometimes the gasket near the engine leaks and the heat from the exhaust leads to the burning of these parts. That’s why you see some smoke coming. This kind of problem must be immediately checked by an expert.

4. Exhaust pipe hanging on the ground

This issue can be known by a visual inspection. If any part of the pipe breaks, then it starts hanging on the ground. This can prove to be quite dangerous for you and other drivers as well.

5. Reduction in power, acceleration and fuel efficiency

The problem in exhaust repair leads to a reduction in the performance of your engine. The engine now has to put double efforts to work as it was working earlier. In this process, it starts using more fuel. If you don’t get this issue fixed as soon as possible, you’ll end up spending a lot more on the gas than you might think of.

This will also hinder the accelerating capacity of your car to some extent. This problem will continue to worsen if not checked immediately.

6. Check engine light continuously flashing

While there may be numerous reasons for a check engine light to turn on, a faulty exhaust system may be one of the reasons. This is a serious issue and shouldn’t be taken lightly whatsoever. You must get your vehicle inspected quickly.

So, just be aware of the above signs and you can continue to drive your car with safety and security. In case, you are uncomfortable while driving, you should visit an auto-garage to get an excellent car repair Nuneaton at the best prices.