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Signs You Need to Get Your Car Engine Checked Immediately

It is not a surprise when someone suggests that the most important component within a car is its engine. You can essentially call it the heart of your car as it works similarly. It is responsible for providing the much-needed power required to drive your vehicle.

Even though everyone understands the importance of engine maintenance, it can sometimes simply slip your mind and when overlooked for a longer period, it can easily lead to engine failure.

Engine failure is a relatively scary thing to deal with. Unlike other problems like tyre failure where you can sometimes manage to put on a spare tyre yourself, engine failure is unknown territory for those that are not well versed with their mechanical lingo. Even if one knows their terms, knowing what is wrong with the engine and being able to do something about it are two completely different things.

You can know more about the condition of your engine with an Engine diagnostics Aldershot test performed on it.

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The Check Engine Light is ON

Just as its name suggests, the “Check Engine” light is a light on your speedometer or dashboard that is illuminated when there is some sort of engine trouble within. There is a myth among car owners that this is illuminated even at no signs of engine trouble but that’s where they are wrong. If you aren’t faced with car trouble immediately, you are lucky enough to be able to drive it to an auto garage without having to pay for a towing service. One should not ignore the first and foremost sign of trouble their vehicle is throwing at them as it could be something pretty minor but if left for long it has the potential to become a more serious and costlier issue.

The Exhaust is Fuming

It is not really a concerning matter if your exhaust is letting out a little bit of smoke provided that it is rather colourless or clear in colour. You need to get your engine checked if the fumes that it is producing is excessive and is black, white or blue.

  • Black smoke- it usually goes away as the engine starts to warm up, on the off-chance that it doesn’t go away means that the air filters within are blocked up.
  • White smoke- excessive white smoke from the exhaust indicates that the fuel supply has been contaminated by either water condensation or antifreeze.
  • Blue smoke- blue smoke is directly indicating that the engine oil is leaking and burning along with fuel and needs to be looked at immediately.

Excess Fuel Usage

If you’ve noticed a sudden hike in the fuel consumption of your car, it may be a sign of engine trouble. It is also true that excess fuel consumption can be due to several reasons such as misaligned or unbalanced tyres as well. There is no harm in booking an engine diagnosis test and finding out the actual reason behind your car burning more fuel than usual.

Leaky Oil Patches

Have you ever noticed patches of oils where you’ve been parking your car lately? If yes, this might be due to a leaky oil pan. It is one of the most common signs of severe engine problems. As more and more oil leaks from the engine; it will generate more heat and friction within. If overlooked for a long time, it can result in costly repairs. Such leaks should be looked at immediately to avoid such a thing from happening.

Strange Noises Are Being Produced

After spending a majority of your time driving, you can deduce correctly what type of sounds are normal for a car to produce and what isn’t. You can very well tell the same when abnormal sounds are being produced from the engine of your car. Any type of squealing, grinding, hissing or knocking sounds accompanied by vibrations is major signs of engine trouble. Such sounds indicate that your engine requires immediate maintenance and should be promptly taken to an auto repair shop for  Engine diagnostics Aldershot .