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Tyre damages: Causes and Fixes

There are several vital components in your car but these components do not have to work in excessively harsh conditions like your tyres. Your tyres are rubbed against the road constantly to provide better tractions, grip and control over the vehicle.

Therefore, it is quite natural if your Tyres Nuneaton face certain kinds of damages. Tyres made by well-known brands are usually durable and made up of high-quality material but you and tyre manufacturers are unable to control unpredictable road and weather conditions.Therefore, you have to be prepared for tyre damage.

Here, we are going to tell you about the most common tyre damages and possible steps you can take to eliminate the reasons or fix the problem.


Drivers often face tyre punctures that take place while a sharp object penetrates the sidewall of the tyre and make a very small hole to let the air escape slowly. These objects may include anything with sharp edges like glass, iron nails, screws etc.

You can recognize the occurrence of puncture by observing reduced air pressure in the tyre. Punctures have mainly two types: slow punctures and rapid punctures.

If your tyres are deflated, damages or the sidewall of the tyres have noticeable debris stuck, it is possible the tyres has a slow puncture.In the case of a rapid puncture, the tyre loses the air pressure quickly and it affects your ability to drive the vehicle.

You need the help of a professional to get your punctured tyre repaired. Tyre repair kits with tyre puncture sealant are available but these sealants fix the puncture temporarily and you cannot avoid visiting a workshop by using these fixes.

Cracks in the tyres

Cracks usually occur on the sidewall of your tyres. Common reasons for occurring these signs are unfavourable road conditions, wear and tear, and exposure of the tyre compound to the sunlight.

You can avoid minor cracks since they are not extremely dangerous but the risk of poor control and grip is going to increase if the cracks are thicker in size.

Tyre cracks cannot be repaired usually. Obviously you need to replace your tyres with a new set.

Uneven tread wear

Over time, your tyre tread wears showing different patterns. For example, your tyres may wear from the centre or sides.

Treadwear is essential for proper grip and traction. Legal depth of tyre tread is 1.6 mm and you cannot drive your car on the road if the depth is below this level.

There is not any ideal that can be used to repair tread wear. therefore, you need to change your tyres if they are severely bald.

Tyre blowouts:

Tyre blowout or burst is the most dangerous type of tyre damages. Tyre blowout happens when the tyre wall is completely failed to hold the air due to its weak internal or outer structure.

This phenomenon occurs suddenly and may affect the control over the car along with the driver’s ability to steer or stop the car properly.

The most possible reason for tyre blowout is under-inflation in the tyre. Under-inflation means a larger part of the tyre is going to rub against the surface to generate more heat. The result of this heat generation is usually a sudden blowout. Moreover, tyre bursts are possible when you hit your car with a deep pothole. The reason for blowout, in this case, is a sudden increase in the air pressure in the tyre. The only fix of this problem is replacing the tyre.

Proper maintenance and regularly checkup is necessary to make sure that your Kumho Tyres Nuneaton are always in good conditions. Moreover, replacing the tyre is mandatory if your tyre is seriously damaged.