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What are the Indications of a Tyre Puncture?

Tyres Bracknell

· Automotive

Tyres are made of soft rubber compounds attached to the vehicle, making them the first thing to contact the road. Tyres are always on the road when the vehicle is moving. Roads are full of potholes and cracks, making them prone to various tyre injuries and difficulties. Puncture is one of the most common tyre injuries caused by any sharp object found on the road. If you look attentively at the road, you will notice numerous items on the asphalt that might damage the tyre. If you want to extend the life of Michelin Tyres Bracknell and the durability of your tyre, avoid these injuries and punctures.

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What are the indications of a tyre puncture?

Tyres are made of rubber compounds, and when a sharp object pierces the outer layer of the tyre; it causes a puncture, which reduces the air pressure inside the tyres. When our tyre is punctured, it reduces our vehicle's agility, and our vehicle also shows several other indicators when our tyre is punctured, which are:

  • The vehicle's steering may lose its stability and become difficult to control. This is generally due to the tyre slowly deflating after it has punctured, and our vehicle will begin to feel unsteady or shudder when driving over the road.
  • If your tyre has a nail or screw in it, your vehicle may pull to the left or right depending on which side the puncture is on, and you may also hear a ticking noise as the nails or screw makes contact with the road as the tyres rotate.

Is it safe to fix or drive on a punctured tyre?

There are defined limits in terms of location and size for repairing punctured tyres. Repairing the puncture in the 'minor repair region' is advised. If the tyre is punctured somewhere other than this minor area, it is not safe to repair a punctured tyre that has penetrated that deeply into it.

If a puncture is caused by a small object, such as a nail or a screw and the damage was in the center third of the tyre; the puncture can be repaired, and the tyres could be driven on again until the tyre wall is not affected. If the tyre has apparent damage or the internal casing has been damaged, a puncture repair is not safe.

How do you fix a punctured tyre?

A puncture repair kit can be found in any hardware shop or online can be used to repair the puncture. Puncture repair kits only work if the tyre has a minor puncture; blowouts, caused by a sudden and complete loss of air in the tyre, but not the puncture that causes structural damage should not be repaired with one.

Puncture repair kits include a sealant that can be used to inject through the valve into the tyre and a compressor that can inflate the tyre. After that, you can use your car battery to seal the punctured hole. However, this is only a temporary remedy, and you should not drive the punctured tyre too fast because it will harm it.

What can I do to avoid a puncture?

Attempting to avoid colliding with road debris is maybe the most obvious. Riding on worn treads is dangerous since they are more prone to punctures. It's also a good idea to check your tyre tread for fractures regularly, ensuring that they're within the prescribed maximum limit and that the tyre pressures are correct.

Don't overload your vehicle; this puts a lot of strain on your Tyres Bracknell , causing them to swell underneath the weight and bounce when you drive fast, enhancing your likelihood of acquiring a puncture or, worse, a blow-out.