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Why Do Car Tyres Suddenly Burst In The Middle Of The Road?

· Automotive

Low air pressure in tyres takes place due to several reasons. Damage in tyre parts may be a reason for low air pressure and tyres lose air pressure due to tiny pores presented in the tyre rubber as well. Moreover, you may observe low air pressure in tyres in cold months as well.

Low air pressure is an unfavorable condition that affects comfort, safety, and performance. In fact, Car Tyres Northampton cannot even more on roads with extremely low air pressure. Because of this reason, tyre punctures are problematic for car drivers. A tyre puncture occurs and makes the tyre flat instantly. You cannot resume your journey until you repair your tyres with the assistance of a mechanic.

You can repair your tyres after a puncture but in the case of a tyre burst, you cannot repair the faulty tyre because of a large damaged area.

Experienced car drivers know well that tyre blowouts take place in tyres fiercely. Therefore, Repair work is not possible in most cases.

Common Reasons For A Tyre Blowout

Tyre blowouts take place in car tyres due to several reasons. You must consider the following reasons to keep your car tyres safe on roads:

Sharp objects:

A sharp object generally causes tyre punctures by making a tiny hole in the tread of your tyre. The same event can convert into a blowout if an iron nail or piece of glass damages a larger area of tread and air comes out from the tyre violently. This case is possible if your tyres are already weak due to tread wear or cracks.

Incorrect air pressure:

Tyre blowouts are possible if you drive your car with incorrectly inflated tyres.

Low air pressure in tyres increases the chances of blowouts because of a larger contact area and high rolling resistance. Heat and friction add fuel to fire and cause a serious blowout.

A blowout is possible due to high air pressure as well. High air pressure causes extra pressure on the rubber wall of tyres. As a result, they may blow out like a balloon.

Heat and friction:

Heat and friction are common enemies of tyre rubber. They occur to promote tyre degradation when your tyres move quickly on roads. Moreover, environmental heat also affects tyre rubber to cause a blowout, especially in summer.

Speed of the vehicle:

If you drive your vehicle at a high speed, more heat and friction will take place to damage your tyres. Moreover, extra speed may cause a blowout at any time. High speed sometimes creates a deadly combination with issues like tread wear, bulges, and cracks to cause serious blowouts.


Tyres are more likely to face a blowout if they run usually on rough roads. Uneven road surfaces, bumps, and potholes create ideal conditions for tyre blowouts.


Overloading is a bad practice. Extra load on the vehicle damages your car tyres rapidly and reduces their strength and efficiency. Moreover, factors like heat and friction occur due to overloading and cause serious blowouts.

Bulges and cracks:

Your tyres are highly likely to face a blowout if they have bulges or cracks on their sidewall. Bulges are just like time bombs that are waiting for ideal conditions to cause a blowout.

High speed, rough road surface, high air pressure, and bumpy roads are common factors that cause a blowout if a bulge is present on the sidewall.

The same fact is true for tyre cracks. Cracks also create ideal conditions for a blowout in association with the factors like high speed, overloading, and rough road surface.

How To Avoid A Blowout?

Surely avoiding a blowout is possible with the help of common precautions and proper maintenance.

Let us have a look at some common tips:

Do Not Drive With Worn And Old Tyres:

This is indeed a valuable tip. As mentioned above, issues like tread wear, bulges, and cracks are responsible for serious blowouts. Therefore, a smart driver should keep these issues away with the help of proper maintenance. Once you observe these issues in your tyres, you must buy a new set of tyres because of blowouts and other risk factors.

Check air pressure:

Wrong air pressure is also a common reason for blowouts. Therefore, you must include checking air pressure in your tyre maintenance list. Check air pressure regularly in different seasonal conditions because hot and cold weather is responsible for high and low air pressure.

Drive Your Vehicle Slowly:

Speed is a crucial factor to degrade your car tyres. Your tyres run on open roads and create heat and friction. Moreover, objects with sharp objects and corners are present on roads to damage your tyres. You can reduce the harmful effects of these factors by decreasing the speed of your vehicle.

Do Not Overload Your Vehicle:

Overloading increases pressure on your tyres. This pressure leads to several issues like blowouts, punctures, and tread wear. Therefore, Load your vehicle according to the loading limit and keep your car tyres healthy for a long time.

Final words

Blowouts are fiercer than tyre punctures. In most cases, they do not leave Tyres Wootton repairable. Therefore, you must change your tyres after the event of a tyre burst. If you want to avoid blowouts, you can surely do it with the help of these valuable tips.