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It is quite common for drivers to switch to winter tyres during the winter season, especially in countries that have heavy winter conditions. But in the UK winters are fairly high that hits back all drivers to choose winter tyres to have a safe drive. What are these winters tyres really for? Is it a good idea to use winter tyres? Here is stuff to clear all questions in your mind.

The winter tyres are tyres that are specially designed to have a grip on wet and snow-filled roads during the winter season. You may think while coming across seasonal tyres typically you are left with only three options: summer, winter, and all-season tyres. The majority of people might think choosing all seasonal tyres is a wise choice but if your location is fair for uneven winter conditions then the tyre choice mainly depends on your driving duration in below 7-degree Celsius temperature. Although the winter tyres deliver better grip on snow than all-season tyres before installing them you should know about their pros and cons.

Pros of winter tyres:

Winter Tyres Small Heath, offers numerous benefits, and here are some of the essential benefits gained while you opt for winter tyres are explained below.

Temperature withstands: The winter tyres are specially made with high compound natural rubber, this made them more flexible to withstand 7-degree Celsius temperature or even below. Their flexibility continued even when the temperature dips to -30 degrees celsius.

Superior traction on road: These Tyres Alum Rock has well designed with deep slit horizontal cuts over block threads to remove water sips and dig into snow and ice that fills on roads. This aggressive tread pattern results in superior traction over the road.

Easy Break Handle: It is a tough challenge for drivers to drive vehicles on slipping and water dipping roads. As the winter tyres are soft and flexible they deliver 30 per cent better braking and also they do offer excellent grip handling. The winter tyre has a maximum depth of 4mm thread count and also has hydroplane resistance which enhances safe and better driving on snow melted icy roads.

Cons in using winter tyres:

When there are numerous advantages, there are certain issues related to the usage of winter tyres. These winter tyres remain to be good performers only during the winter season, not suitable for all other seasons. Indeed the soft rubber compounds in winter tyres do not sustain in high temperatures. When you try them on warm or hot summer roads the sidewalls of tyres get torn thus making them not suitable for warm weather conditions. When the weather warms up these tyres would deliver bad braking, less grip, and low traction on roads all these results in more fuel consumption in your vehicle.

On the whole switching to winter tyres purely depends on your need and driving distance. If you travel long then it is wise to replace winter tyres at November end and use till February end. Before choosing winter tyres to make sure it is a premium and branded one to avoid off-road incidents.