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From computers to cars, everything needs proper maintenance. It not only improves the performance of your car but it also helps in saving a lot of money. Read on to know more about car maintenance!

Here are some car maintenance tips:

Tyre inflation rate:

As basic as it may sound, inspect your tyre inflation rate after ever 2 weeks by visiting your nearby fuel station. Your car’s tyre pressure directly impacts your car's performance and fuel consumption.

Most people assume that the more the inflation level, the lesser is the fuel consumed. However, it’s not true. When the inflation level is more, then your tyres contact patch with road decreases making the efficiency low and leading to more fuel consumption. Moreover, the over-inflation also lead to tyre blowouts making you lose control over your vehicle which can lead to mishaps. You can find out over-inflation of tyres even by looking at your car tyres. You will observe more tyre wear in the centre of the tyre.

The worst thing you can do to your car tyres is under inflation. Under-inflated tyres are vulnerable to puncture. Moreover, these tyres put stress on the car’s engine which leads to heat buildup and more fuel consumption. If you observe wear on the sides of your car then this is due to under-inflation.

Find out the tyre inflation level mentioned on the car manuals or the sidewall of the tyre and get them filled accordingly. Also, do not forget to change the tyre valve cap after inflating the tyre. This is because the valve cap is susceptible to get corroded which can contribute to under-inflation of your tyre.

Tyre rotation:

The best way to protect your tyre from wear and tear is a regular tyre rotation. Tyre rotation is a process of swapping rear tyre from the front ones. However, this is not the only criteria; each car model has a different way of swapping. It is very easy to find out by reading your car manual. Make sure that your wheel alignment is proper before you implement tyre rotation. Wheel alignment is the arrangement of the wheel in such a way that they are at an angle of ninety degrees to the road and the axle. If this arrangement is not proper your car tyres can go through uneven wear and tear.

Some car models are different from another; you can’t implement tyre rotation in them because the size of rear Goodyear Tyres Birmingham is different from that of front tyres.

Driving skills:

The shape of your tyres depends on the way you drive. Fast driving leads to uneven wear and tear of the tyre, making the performance level really low.

Look at the car manual to find out the correct speed on which you should drive your vehicle.

Every car owner must know these tyre maintenance tips for better car health. Tyres Birmingham wearing can’t be stopped completely but by following these maintenance tips, you can delay it!