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Snow Socks, Snow Chains, All-Season and Winter Tyres

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Weather is an important factor when we talk about the performance of car tyres. There are several types of tyres in which winter tyres are ideal for driving on extreme snowy conditions. Winter tyres are used by the car owners in the place where severely cold weather takes place in most months of the year. In such places, car owners are used to replacing their Tyres Birmingham with high-class winter tyres.

Drivers in the UK are used to buy four types of tyres for the winter season- winter tyres, all-season tyres, snow chains and snow socks.

How are winter tyres special?

Winter tyres are manufactured with unique tyre tread and wider grooves as well as narrow slits. The design is added to the winter tyres with the aim of providing optimum grip and traction on snowy roads.

Moreover, the rubber compound used in the manufacturing of the tyre's tread is stiffer to functions properly, even at temperatures below 7degrees- Celsius.

A lot of European car owners usually have two sets of tyres because winter tyres lose their efficiency when the temperature is above 7-degrees-C. That is why car owners cannot have only a one set of winter tyres.

What about all-season tyres?

Another option for the car owners is all-season tyres that provide extra grip in the winter season, but you cannot call them extremely efficient for the winter season.

All-season tyres can be used all year round, but you cannot use them as the substitute for summer tyres in hot climatic conditions, and for winter tyres in cold weather.

Snow socks and snow chains

As another alternative, the car owners can use snow chains or snow socks while the road is covered with deep snow. Snow socks are stretched to fit over the tyre and are made up of a fabric that provides grip on the snowy surface.

Snow chains are specialized for snow, but you have to refer to your handbook to make sure you can fit them or not according to the size of your wheel.

You must note that you should not use snow chains on a clear road. You can only use them on icy roads and needs to be immediately removed when the snow has gone.

Snow socks are cheaper to buy in comparison with snow chains. Moreover, fitting snow socks is easier for the car owners, but in the case of snow chains, you need some training.

Snow socks are going to wear out quickly. Therefore, you should maintain them properly.

Wash them after the use properly to remove dust, dirt, and salt to save from corrosion.

So, there are a lot of choices for the winter season, and your preference certainly depends on your goals, place, and budget.

Therefore, whenever you try to replace your Tyres Small Heath, think over the available choices and make the correct decision. If you like, experts are always here to help you.