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Understanding The Basics Of Part Worn Tyres?

Tyre industry comprises of normal car tyres and part-worn tyres for different customers. Now, everyone knows how tyre brands work for competing with each other to produce best-quality tyres. Every tyre brand strives hard to build technologically advanced tyres. But still, many people might prefer part-worn tyres. Now, the question is what exactly is meant by part-worn tyres? How are they different from regular tyres? Are they suitable for your car?

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Part-worn tyres are the type of tyres that have been previously used by other vehicles or fitted on them. These tyres are eventually sold as second-hand tyres. Their cost is lower than the new tyres. This low cost attracts a lot of customers because most people always look for affordability when buying a product.

Part-worn tyres also come from vehicles that are scrapped which still have functional tyres. These tyres are usually imported from Germany. It is not illegal in the UK to sell part-worn tyres. Their tread depth is of 3 mm which is the legal requirement in Germany. Whereas in the UK, the legal requirement for the tread depth is 1.6 mm.

Yet, there are many problems associated with them. The regional chairman of the National Tyre Distributors Association (NTDA) Dasos Michaelides of Philip White Tyres said that the NTDA carried a survey in which it was found that 97% of part worn tyres are illegally sold in the UK. Also, 34% of part-worn tyres showed ‘life-threatening’ defects.

Still, there are some criteria set up for selling of part-worn tyres. It is not illegal in the UK to sell part-worn tyres as long as the criteria according to the Motor Tyres Vehicle (Safety) Regulations 1994 (reg.7) part of the Consumer Protection Act is met.


  1. The part-worn tyres should be marked with “Part Worn” in clear letters and must be at least 4mm tall.
  1. Part-worn tyres must be marked ‘E’ if they have not been re-treaded alongside ‘Part Worn’ lettering.
  1. They should be free from any cuts, lumps and bulges both internally and externally.
  1. The re-treaded part worn tyres must have British standard markings alongside ‘Part Worn’ lettering.
  1. The grooves of the tyres Walsall must have a depth of 2 mm and must be visible across the circumference of the tyre.
  1. The tyres must pass the inflation test.


There are many objections raised by certain experts when it comes to part-worn tyres. Dasos also stated that around 10 million people in the UK were driving with one or more illegal tyres. He also said that a vehicle with illegal tyres is six times more likely to cause an accident than the legal ones. In wet conditions, this condition becomes worse as the likelihood of accidents go up to eight times. Tyres Walsall is known to provide an excellent grip in wet conditions.

Dasos also explained that the most important thing to look for while driving a car is the tyre pressure. If a tyre is 20% under-inflated, they might lose 15% of the wear of tyres. If it is 40% under-inflated, then the tread wear will be of 55%. In this way, the tyre’s life is halved.

According to the estimation, six million part-worn tyres are sold in the United Kingdom every year. Half of them come from the scrapped cars which have been in the accidents.

As a result, a false economy is created from part worn tyres. Replacing your tyres can be too costly and this might be an unexpected event for all the people. Because the legal depth of the part-worn tyres is 2 mm, it is just 0.4 mm away from the legal measurement. It would not really make a difference and the tread life is also less.

So, buying new Tyres Walsall is recommended for long-lasting performance of the tyres.