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Why should I buy new tyres for my car


Tyres are an indispensable component of any vehicle. Like every other part of the automobile, they too have their expiry period. It’s just that we tend to ignore it. Our tyres tread on various types of surfaces. Sometimes, the roads are smooth enough to welcome them, while sometimes they may be harsh, rugged and stony with kerbs. All these conditions put together to give a tough time to your tyres.

The fact is, you must keep checking your tyres regularly. If required, buy a new set before it gets too late. Buying new tyres is often considered an expensive affair. But let’s understand that the cost of these new tyres is relatively marginal considering the number of benefits they bring along with them. Since tyres withstand so much on the roads, you must keep checking their condition. This blog will discuss the advantages of new tyres and also tell you when you should replace the old ones.

Rewards for buying new tyres

  • Safety and security 

That’s the first thing we all need on the roads! No matter how sturdy your tyres may seem to you, the fact is, you need to replace them whenever required. Worn out tyres can turn catastrophic on the roads. On the contrary, new tyres let you corner, turn and stop your car just the way you want. There’s no doubt that you get an elevated driving experience with the new tyres.

  • Enhanced performance

Tyres put a lot of power to the ground. New tyres can do this with ease. Braking and cornering, all depend on the characteristics of your tyres. Tyres have designs and patterns on their tread. This tread decides the kind of ride you’re going to have on a specific type of surface. You get this kind of experience only with the new tyres. The tread in the old tyres wears out with time.

  • Improved mileage

You might be surprised to know, but tyres affect the mileage of your vehicle considerably. Worn-out tyres have an uneven pattern in them. This affects the mileage negatively; that’s because your vehicle has to exert more to generate the power it needs to put to the ground.

The best tip in this regard is, to be careful when the technician is mounting your tyres. The mobile tyre fitting Telford is a crucial aspect that you must pay heed to. Balancing is another significant part. Make sure that your tyres are correctly inflated to the optimum pressure. Your new tyres must be appropriately aligned. This will impede the process of wearing out, which is quite common among the tyres.

  • Better traction

Tyres perform differently in different weather conditions. There’s snow, dirt, mud and slime on the roads. The performance of the tyres depends on the quality of the rubber and the tread in such a case. Worn-out tyres for obvious reasons can’t perform that well. For instance, you need a softer rubber compound to drive on the snow, but the same set of tyres won’t work well in the summers. So, rather than dragging the same set of tyres for a prolonged time, you must keep two sets of tyres. This way, your tyres won’t wear out quickly, and you’ll get an elevated driving experience as well.

When should I change my tyres?

That’s the main question.

There are various ways to know this. We’ll discuss the two main things -

  • Check the tread

1.6mm is the minimum tread limit that the tyres should follow. You can check it yourself by inserting the coin inside the tread. If the head on the coin goes inside, means you can continue with those tyres.

  • Physical inspection

If there are many cuts, bulges or punctures in the tyres, then it’s time you buy new ones without further delay.

Buying new tyres is totally for your safety. So, you must never procrastinate it. After all, mobile tyre fitting Shrewsbury is all for your safety.